How to Achieve Your Best Score in Golf

If you want to achieve the best score in golf you have to combine good technique with the right strategy. While it takes time to hone your technique, not everybody has the time for extended practice sessions. Between work, family obligations, and other matters it isn't always possible to spend every week working on your swing. Thankfully, you can still lower your golf scores and play better by utilizing these tips the next time you tee off. Whether you're new to the game or looking for new strategies, these tips will help lower your golf score.
Decide How Much Time You Have to Practice
You don't have to know much about physics to understand that it plays a huge part in golf. Both swing and equipment impact the direction of the ball. Even professional golfers struggle to master the physics of the game. Knowing that it's important to manage your expectations when playing. Don't get frustrated with your score or so hyper-focused on a technique that it impacts your game. If you golf, you probably fall into one of three categories.
The Occasional Golfer
An occasional golfer is someone that only plays a handful of rounds per year on average. Family and work obligations may impact how much you are able to play. If you want to improve your score but you're unable to devote time each week to practice, you're not alone. There are many golfers that can relate to this situation. In this case, you can still improve your score but you shouldn't set unrealistic expectations. Focus on your tempo and having fun more than anything.
The Weekly Golfer
A weekly golfer is someone that visits the course to play a round once a week. While you're not playing every day, you are still devoting a good chunk of time to practice. By utilizing the right techniques, you can improve your average golf score by a few points. Expect small progress that builds up over time with repeated practice.
The Everyday Golfer
If you're able to play every day, you can make significant strides in lowering your score. Focus on honing your swing tempo and practice in different conditions. With so many outside factors impacting your game, you have to practice enough that you become familiar with your technique. If you can afford it, consider working with a certified golf teacher for the best results.
Practice with the Putter
Despite which category you fit into from above, many golfers under-read their putts. Instead of using guesswork to calculate the speed and angle you need, you can save a lot of lost strokes by becoming familiar with distance. No matter how you stand or crouch, sometimes you miscalculate the slope and distance. This is because your eyes perceive the location of the hole as closer than it really is. To test this, look at an object roughly twenty feet away from you. Stare at the object until you have a good visual of it in your mind. Then, close your eyes and raise your arms to point at where you think the target object is located. When you open your eyes, look at how close or how far your guess was in relation to the target. If it's short, you would have under-read your putt and lost a stroke. The more you practice putting, the more you will get a feel for slope and distance.
Play in the Morning
Did you know that the time of day you play golf impacts your performance? Golfers that play in the morning generally score better than those that play in the afternoon. For one, your thoughts will be clearer if you play a morning round rather than after a hard day at work. The same applies to the state of your muscles. Even if you work at a desk, you're using various muscles throughout the day and these muscles will be tired later. Another reason you play better in the morning is that the golf course changes over the day. Balls can roll slower or faster depending on the state of the greens. While this may be a minor factor, try playing earlier to get a good golf score.
Find the Right Swing Tempo
Despite what you may have heard, there is no one right way to swing a club. Take a look at photos of some professional golfers and you'll notice that each one might have a different hand position or swing plane. There is more than one way to hold and swing. If a particular technique doesn't work for you, then try something different. An important golf strategy to get down is your swing tempo. Your tempo is a measurement in seconds between your backswing and downswing presented as a ratio. John Novosel first came up with the ratio when editing footage of a golfer for an infomercial. Novosel noticed that the best golfers in history had something in common. Most tour professionals have a consistent 3:1 swing tempo ratio.
Adjust Your Grip and Check Equipment
There are three common golf grips: the overlap, the interlock, and the ten-finger grip. Try different styles to see what works for you. Make sure you are holding your clubs correctly and adjust your grip if necessary. If your grip is too light or too firm, it will affect your swing. Like your hand position, the type of grip on the end of your equipment can change the way you play as well. Switching from a poor or damaged grip to a better one can drop your handicap by a few strokes. Many golfers like soft grips which absorb shock, but a textured grip is great for wet conditions.
Get the Best Score in Golf
Whether you're an occasional golfer or someone that plays a round every day, you can lower your score if you practice these tips. Getting the best score in golf is all about taking advantage of how much time you have and adjusting your strategies. If you want to improve your game, focus on your swing tempo and try to aim for the famous 3:1 ratio. Changing your grip can also make a huge difference. Most of all, remember you improve with practice. At Panther Run we offer a premier golf course and social amenities for members to enjoy. Visit our tee times page to schedule an outing this weekend!